專業的電子顯微鏡,耗材,相關設備代理商 Enabling Total Solution for Nano-World



廠牌: E.A.Fischione , Inc.
型號: Model 1010 (LAMP) Low Angle Milling & Polishing System

穿透式電子顯微鏡(TEM)已廣泛應用在材料分析上,由於TEM分析的是穿透過試片的電子束,所以試片的厚度必須小於100nano-meter,且試片的直徑僅為3mm,欲得到這麼薄的試片,可藉助於超薄切割機或研磨技術後再經由離子減薄機做最後的減薄。而當試片放入離子減薄機 (Ion Miller) 中修薄,通入高純度氬氣,由高角度逐漸往低角度移動(大約0∼45。),離子束能量約0.5∼6.0KV,修到試片出現破洞並擴大到界面附近,已達到薄區小於100nano-meter, 達到觀察TEM的試片厚度要求.

◎ Fully programmable and easy to use.
◎ Two independently adjustable Hollow Anode Discharge (HAD) ion sources.
◎ High or low energy operation for either rapid milling or more gentle specimen polishing.
◎ Individual, automatic ion source gas control.
◎ Oil-free vacuum system.
◎ Continuously adjustable milling angle.
◎ Specimen rotation or rocking.
◎ Accommodates SEM samples.
◎ Chemically assisted and reactive etching.
◎ Automatic termination.
◎ Liquid nitrogen-cooled specimen stage.

Copyright@2005 超泰科技有限公司 E.B. TECH CO., LTD
110 台北市信義區光復南路495號7樓之5 TEL:886-2-27295268 FAX:886-2-27295258